Pakistan Power Plant (3x1000KW)
·Design head: 47.55 m
·Design flow: 2.75 cum /sec
·Minimum tailrace level: 1991.67 m (Sea Level)
·Turbine fixed level (center of turbine runner)1994.05 m (Sea Level)
·Turbine: Horizontal Francis turbine, Metal spiral case, stainless steel runner
·Generator rated voltage (line voltage):6600 V
·Rated frequency:50 Hz
·Rated power factor:0.8
·Features and requirements for the running of the power plant:
Individual (area not yet to be electrified as no grid or network is available).
However provision for both black start and synchronization to be made in
design and supply. The regulation of the frequency (49 to 51 Hz) and
voltage has to be incorporated in design.
(Under construction)